I wasn't going to use CO2 on this tank, but I just love ADA's glass work and wanted to use their beetle counter and pollen glass. This CO2 system is relatively cheap and comes with a disposal CO2 canister, stand and regulator.

This is ADA's Beetle Counter. To be honest, this bubble counter is overkill and a bit big for my small tank. But I figured that I could re-use it when I upgrade to a large tank. Besides, this CO2 bubble counter is a work of art. The CO2 bubble rises in a spiral instead of straight up. What's the benefit over a standard bubble counter? None! It's just nice to look at.

I couldn't resist this all-glass check valve for the CO2 system. Beautiful to look at and almost 100% reliable unlike other cheap plastic check valves. The little, red glass ball is the valve and seals completely if there is any back-siphoning.

ADA Pollen Glass Mini. It contains a diffusion plate to aid absorption of the CO2 into the water column.

I plan to shut-off the CO2 at night so I bought the solenoid.

And I bought a cheap timer for the solenoid.
If you turn the CO2 system off at night it will cause the nitrate levels of the tank to spike quite radically. If you have any fish in the tank it may stress them out.
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