It has been about two months and so far I am happy with the results. Plant growth is exceptional except for the stand of rotala in the back left corner. The rotala grew, but it never really prospered so I pulled it. I may leave the back left corner empty for now. The microsorium is growing like a weed. I will have to keep on top of my trimmings. The hemianthus callithictroides is starting to spread nicely. The anubias is doing well, but seems susceptible to algae growth. I'll keep an eye on it. I have a school of tetra neon, one cory, three amano shrimp, and at least half a dozen other bee-sized shrimp (sorry, I don't have their latin names).
hey its nice work u had done.
we should go to LFS together
so i can help u to find some plants u want hiro
It's terribly unfortunate that you did not continue posting about this tank, looks like it was headed towards looking really nice.
Looks really nice, but one cory seems a little to less. In nature, corydoras live in large groups of thousand to a million individuals, so I guess the cory is feeling quite lonely. Try at least 5 cory's. For the rest, lovely done!!
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